After I read for a little bit I decided to let the paparazzi see how cute I was in my onesie and shoes. I definitely hammed it up for the cameras!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Day #6 cont
When I got up from my nap Papa was at the store so I decided I would go ahead and read a little bit in the books mommy and daddy got me.
Day #6
Today I didn't wake up until after 8:30! It was nice to sleep in that late. My uncles were already at school so I didn't get to see them yet, but everyone else was still here. I played with my toys so that I could get in my tummy time and so that everyone could finish getting ready for the day. I have the coolest toys ever! Thank you so much Auntie Ang! I was sad that mommy said we could only bring a few of them but I guess she had a point because I would be super sad if I lost any of them!
I had to have a discussion (very uncomfortable for all involved) about the direction of this video. Obviously my video-grapher was not on her A-game this morning! But none the less I still decided to post it because of how sweet and talkative I am in it!
This one is a great video even though my arms got tired and I had to let go of the bottle. Yesterday my Aunt Amy had recorded me doing this for a long time--the video is so long that her phone wont let her send you'll just have to take my word that I did this for a LONG TIME!
My mommy says that after my nap I get to spend some time playing with Papa! I can't wait! It'll be nice to have some one-on-one time with him without everyone else interrupting!
End of Day #5
Last night I went with my Aunt Amy to see her friends Grace and Lydia. It was a little bit cold so mommy had me wear my snowsuit. I look so adorable in it! My Grandma Joan got it for me. Isn't it cute?
Sunday, February 27, 2011
End of Day #4 and Day #5
Last night I helped mommy and Katie pick out their clothes for when they went out. It was so much fun! Ms. Rachel came over and visited with me before I went to bed. 
Aunt Amy helped pick out clothes too!
Today we stayed at home and had a very relaxed day. My cousin Katie left this afternoon and that was sad but mommy bought me a few new books so that helped me not be so sad.
Uncle Matthew gave me my bottle before nappy time today. It was good bonding time!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Day #3 (cont)
By now you may have noticed that I am posting several times a day...this is the only way that I can keep up with what is going on and still make it to bed on time (if I waited to do it all at night I'd be up way too late!).
Last night I went to bed in my Mimi's room and when I woke up some strange person was holding me! My Aunt Amy and mommy were moving my bed into Aunt Amy's room. Mommy said that the strange person was my 2nd cousin Katie. This is a picture of me meeting her for the first time last night....I will post more pictures later today.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Day #3
Last night I went to bed so easy! I looked so cute in my polka-dot pjs....but I had a REALLY big accident and had to change my clothes. Mommy said that was OK with her cause it meant that I ended up wearing my new "I love mommy" pjs. Mommy was VERY happy to finally have something that said mommy on it!

This morning I woke up SUPER early---5am!! WOW!! But mommy said it was ok cause we could just have some tummy time and watch mommy's shows before everyone else woke up.
This afternoon when I woke up I had a big surprise! We were going to go to lunch with my bestest friend Lex! It was a great surprise! She has grown so much since I saw her last. Lex is very good at sharing toys and being gentle with me.
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