Monday, February 21, 2011

Mommy got back the camera!

Today I am 5 months old!
The other morning mommy was paying some bills and I found the remote. I kept changing the channel and being a remote hog...I don't know where I got that from (*cough* daddy *cough *cough*)

Friday night I wore my PJ's to connection group but I put this really cute jacket over them. I looked really cute! And was excited to wear something from my 6month collection!

Yesterday the paparazzi was there as soon as I woke up from my nap! I was glad to see they got my good side!

I do tummy time everyday and yesterday after church Sampson decided to join me!

I wore an outfit from my Uncle Brian and Aunt Katie to church. The nursery workers said I looked soo cute!  

Mommy and Daddy caught me holding my bottle while they were getting ready for church. I know that I can hold my bottle but I pretend not to when anyone is around!