Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bill's Donuts

This morning when I woke up mommy made me put on my clothes right away and started talking about being a big girl and minding my manners (please, thank you, etc). I was very confused about what in the world she was talking about......but papaw showed up (he's mommy's grandpa) and my great uncle Stewart! Turns out I was getting to go out for donuts!

I really liked the donuts! I love when I get to try a new food and it is even better if it is something that I can hold and try to do myself!

I made a big ole mess when I ate my donut! No worries though! Mommy said I was only allowed to have a cake donut because it doesn't have icing--so the mess wasn't sticky!

Because I made such a big mess Uncle Stewart and Aunt Amy put me on the tailgate and made me stay back there for the whole ride! Just kidding! I had to go back there to get dusted off! 

My carseat was a mess too! 

Thank you very much!! 

**Funding for this outing provided by: Uncle Stewart! Thank you for saving the donuts!** :)