Thursday, January 19, 2012

All My Words

Words & Phrases I Can Say:
  1. Mama
  2. Dada
  3. Daddy
  4. Papa
  5. Bubba
  6. Bubbie
  7. Ooggie (doggie)
  8. Eek (Deek)
  9. Pees (please)
  10. Tank uu (thank you)
  11. Up
  12. Cup
  13. One, two, three
  14. No
  15. No Way
  16. Yes
  17. Yeah
  18. Orry (sorry)
  19. Bad
  20. Ookie (cookie)
  21. Cak-cak (cracker)
  22. Nack (snack)
  23. Oouch
  24. Baby
  25. Bath
  26. Irty (dirty)
  27. Go, go
  28. Noo (nose)
  29. Ee (ear)
  30. Ii (eye)
  31. Mou (mouth)
  32. Shoe
  33. Poopie
  34. Tee tee
The average number of words for someone my age is about 12. By 20 months most babies know 20 words....I am 16 months in 2 days and I already know 33 that mommy and daddy can understand.