Monday, October 3, 2011

My Cool Tricks

I asked mommy to help me come up with a list of all the cool stuff I can do now that I am 1 year old!

  1. I can do the signs for "please" and "done"...sometimes I do "more"
  2. I can crawl up the stairs by myself
  3. I can crawl down the stairs by myself
  4. I say "dada"
  5. and "mama"
  6. and "nite nite"
  7. and "bubba"
  8. and "nack"
  9. I blow kisses...I just don't use my hand yet
  10. I give the best hugs
  11. I give out lots of kisses
  12. I am a good sharer
  13. I dance when music comes on
  14. I take 7 steps by myself
  15. I have 7 teeth
  16. I like to stack things up
  17. I push my motorcycyle and say "brmm"
  18. I can drink out of a straw
  19. I can drink out of an open top cup
  20. I wave "hi"
  21. I wave "bye"
  22. I laugh at funny jokes
  23. I mirror faces mommy and daddy make
  24. I stick my tongue out and think it is funny
  25. I try to sing
  26. I go to bed without fussing
  27. I eat all foods but my favorite is Mac n Cheese (just like daddy) and hot dogs (just like mommy)
  28. I don't get scared of strangers easily
  29. I help mommy pick up
  30. I share my food really well
  31. and this morning, I asked mommy to "bo" on my food cause it was too warm