Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

I got woken up not long after I went to bed because we had to take daddy to the hospital. I was really confused what was going on until we got to the ER....we've been there 4 times since March (getting good use of the insurance is what mommy says.). This is a video of me at 1 am. I was so happy and on my best behavior the whole time!

After we left the hospital we got to come home to sleep for a little bit--then we had to take daddy back to the hospital so he could see a doctor in optometry. Finally we finished running around and I came home to take a good nap.

When I woke up we had to go to the Newspaper so they could take my picture to print next week. I was suppose to be a cowgirl but mommy and daddy decided they liked the elephant better. I'll post pictures as soon as I get one!

After my bathy I kept running around the living room with my phone saying, "da da da da dii dii da da da".

After mommy and daddy finally caught me long enough to get me dressed I decided I was tired.